- Eisenring, M., Tuladhar B.: Involvement of Non-Government Organisations and the Private Sector In Environmental Activities In Nepal, 2003 SDC
- Eisenring, M.: Micro Pelton Turbines, MHPG Series, Volume 9,1991, St. Gallen: SKAT, and GATE: Eschborn, ISBN: 3-908001-34-X
- Nakarmi, K., Arter A., Widmer R., Eisenring M.: Cross Flow Turbine Design and Equipment Engineering, MHPG Series, Volume 3, 1993, St. Gallen: SKAT
- Widmer R., Arter, A., Eisenring, M.: Cross Flow Turbine Fabrication, MHPG Series, Volume 4, 1993, St. Gallen: SKAT
- Eisenring, M., Chapallaz J.-M.: ADB/N Study Tour on Small Hydropower in Switzerland, Volumes 1 and 2, 1983, St. Gallen: SKAT
- Eisenring, M.: Paper on Local Fabrication of Cross Flow Turbines, WorkÂshop on small Hydropower, 3rd, RCTT/UNIDO/REDP, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 1983; Vienna: UNIDO
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